Smart Homes

Imagine being able to listen to your music collection wherever you are in your home without having to hunt for the CD.

Imagine having lighting systems with pre-set scenes to suit different moods and occasions, and imagine linking this into your own home cinema setup.

Imagine being able to monitor and control your heating, lighting and security even when you're away. Just text or mail your house a simple command to set your home environment to exactly how you’d like it.

Imagine a system where any alarm whether smoke, water or intruder will trigger a text to your mobile or send you an email.

And imagine being able to do this through familiar tools like your mobile phone, PDA or web browser.

Whether you're interested in
  • getting the most from your entertainment systems - photos, music, DVD & Satellite
  • developing a better environment for your home-cinema
  • controlling your home environment – lighting, heating, hot water and security - through integrated systems
  • monitoring and controlling your home when you're away
Smart Homes can be all of this and more but we believe there are two important things to bear in mind. You want your smart home to work in the way you do, and you want it to look like an integrated piece of design rather than afterthought.